Tech & Media Convergency, Tanzania nominated to UN Women’s Regional Civil Society Advisory Group (RCSAG)

It is such a privilege for Tech & Media Convergency to be nominated and selected to be among the Advisory members of the Regional Civil Society Advisory Group (R-CSAG) for UN Women as one of the 12 distinguished organizations hailing from eight countries, including Uganda, Kenya, South Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Tanzania. The UN Women’s initiative in establishing Civil Society Advisory Groups (CSAG) at global, regional, and national levels emphasizes its commitment to enhancing strategic dialogues and fostering robust partnerships with civil society entities.

Asha D Abinallah - UN Women
The CEO of Tech & Media Convergency – Ms. Asha D. Abinallah at the first physical and strategy meeting for the group in Johannesburg, South Africa, on November 27, 2023

As a participant in the Regional CSAG, Tech & Media Convergency aims to be a dynamic force, contributing innovative initiatives, ideas, and policy perspectives to assist UN Women in achieving its strategic objectives. This selection not only indicates Tech & Media Convergency’s dedication to its agenda in the community and region but also emphasizes its commitment to playing an active role in advancing shared objectives, particularly in the realms of women’s rights, gender equality, and the empowerment of women. The nomination is closely tied to Tech & Media Convergency’s ongoing initiative, the Women at Web Program, dedicated to enhancing women and youth’s digital and economic empowerment.

UN Women - Advisory Group
Some of the representatives from the 12 organizations that form the Advisory group brainstorm during a strategy development session

The meeting encompassed several key components:

  1. Comprehensive Insight into the UN Women’s Mandate and Areas of Work. It gave the advisory members a thorough understanding of UN Women’s mandate and focus areas.
  2. The inauguration and official launch of the group were graced by Dr. Maxime Houinato, Regional Director of UN Women ESAR, in Johannesburg.
  3. Strategy development for 2024–25 was also key. A strategic discussion unfolded, mapping out activities. This included outlining potential interventions, defining outputs, planning activities and timeframes, establishing a results chain, and identifying any necessary resources and partnerships to guide the Regional Civil Society Advisory Group’s (RCSAG) work.
  4. Governance Structures and Chairperson Elections. Governance structures were established, and the chairperson of the group was elected following standard procedures. This process also involved setting meeting schedules, outlining commitments, and addressing other pertinent considerations. The chairperson-elect is Ms. Robina Rubinga from Uganda.

The meeting served as a pivotal moment in aligning the RCSAG’s objectives with UN Women’s mission and ensuring a solid foundation for collaborative efforts in the years ahead. During its three-year journey of contributing to the group and UN Women at a regional scale, this development signifies a significant milestone for Tech & Media Convergency. The organization remains resolute in its commitment to creating meaningful change and contributing to a more inclusive and equitable world.

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